ua en
H e l p o


  • Make a convenient service for users – people who want to make repairs in their home and don’t know where to start, how to choose materials, how to plan work;
  • The service should provide services to the user in a structured way;
  • There should be an automatic issue of a specific KP and a miscalculation of the amount of the service for a specific set of answers to the questionnaire in the service card;
  • Exchange of documents of the buyer and manager in the LC;
  • Order payment via LiqPay;
  • Convenient site admin;


  • Prototyping the structure, database and architecture of the pages of the future site;
  • Design drawing in Photoshop;
  • Layout of pages and modal windows;
  • Functional implementation;
  • Testing and porting to customer hosting;
  • Home
  • Section
  • Service
  • Orders

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