ua en
F u n k o   F a n s


Shop “Funko.Fans” is a reseller of official Funko products in Ukraine.


Implement a convenient multi-functional online store with the following set of functionality:

  • Two language versions
  • Catalog with filtering
  • Promotional offers
  • Viewed Products
  • User’s account
  • Bonus system for users
  • Promocodes
  • Automatically generating a product feed for marketplace
  • Smart Search Engine Integration
  • Synchronization with 1C
  • Synchronization with Bitrix 24 CRM
  • Integration of Bitrix 24 with the New Mail delivery service
  • Bitrix 24 integration from SMS / Email services
  • Integration of Bitrix 24 from the marketplace Rosette and PROM
  • Synchronization Bitrix 24 of 1C


The project was completed in accordance with all requirements and wishes.

The client received an excellent tool for sale, and our team received a lot of positive emotions from working on the project.

  • Главная
  • Каталог
  • Товар
  • Корзина

Funko Fans phone view
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